Scott is a father, husband, musician, poet, medicine carrier, and shadow worker. While working through the shadows of his past addictions, Kambo and other sacred medicines crossed his path. He noticed a major shift in his life after sitting with Kambo. The medicine later guided him to leave the entertainment industry to lead a life of service. The medicine work lead him down the path of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong and overall health and wellness. Through combining the timeless Native teachings of South and North Amercia, with the Ancient wisdom from the East; Scott has been helping men and women connect to their warrior spirit by facing their shadows through means of this sacred work. Book a connection call or join an upcoming ceremony to embrace your warrior spirit and step into you highest self.

Alexandra is a medicine woman/healer.
Southern California native of Mexica lineage, living on occupied Yuhaviatam Territory (San Bernardino Mountains) en mi Casa Colibri in between the cedar and pine relatives.
Some of my story…
For a long time I lived with pelvic pain, endometriosis to be exact, and felt like there was nothing more I could do and things would always be this way. I felt powerless, angry, drained, helpless and disconnected from myself and my body.
I’ve been on a healing journey since then.
I decided I needed to take my health into my own hands and reclaim the lineage of ancestral healing and healers that lives on through me.
My practice is rooted in indigenous ways - ways of bringing the fragmented parts of our mind, body, and soul back home to ourselves- to our innate wholeness. Utilizing the potent powers of earth and star medicine, I call upon the ancestors and guides to assist in the process of remembering Truth.
This reclamation and remembering didn’t just get me to my healing, it is my healing, and it continues to be everyday. Through this, I have remembered the power of healing together, in community, offering my story as medicine and receiving yours in turn. Don’t get me wrong, I still experience discomfort, but it has brought me to a deeper understanding and intimacy with my warrior spirit, my female body, the medicine of the Earth, and our shared humanness.
Today I practice and share ancestral medicine and offer ritual services. I facilitate healing ceremonies throughout the greater Los Ángeles area connecting us to our inner wisdom and potential to rebirth in each moment. I specialize in creating space for women to tap into their inner healer. I am passionate about reminding women of their innate resiliency and encourage them to do the work of unlearning limiting beliefs + behaviors and instead have the courage to unapologetically take up their rightful place in life for the purpose of our collective liberation.
Will you join me in this healing (r)evolution?