Kambo Can Help if....
- You are feeling a lack of clarity
- You are struggling with food or drug addiction
- You are experiencing depression, anxiety, or stress
Benefits from Kambo
Kambo enters through the lymphatic system and awakens the body's self-healing abilities. It has been known to help with Anxiety, Depression, lack of motivation and clarity, Addiction, Candida, Staph Infection, High Blood Pressure, Parkinson's, Auto-immune Disorders, HIV & AID's, Cancer, Fertility and so much more.
The Story of Kambo
The legend of the Kaxinawá says that deep in the jungle a tribe fell ill. The local medicine man named Kampu tried to heal the village with well known plant medicines, though he didn't have any breakthroughs. Kampu went into the jungle to sit in isolation drinking Ayahuasca. This master teacher plant showed him about Kambo medicine, it’s healing properties, and how to use it.
Kampu then set out into the jungle to find the correct frog, extract then medicine and return to his village. Upon returning he helped heal his entire village with this intelligent sacred medicine. The name Kambo was given to the medicine named after this Shaman that was able to listen to the plants and heal others with the wisdom he received.
Kambo is a physical, emotional and spiritual cleanse. Kambo is a sacred medicine derived from the Giant Monkey Frog scientifically known as the Phyllomedusa bicolor. Many tribes in the greater amazon area have been working with this frog for centuries. Due to the frogs very distinct song they are easily found and captured to harvest their medicine. The frogs are stressed to secrete their medicine though they are unharmed during the process. The tribes believe that the frogs are protectors of the forest and great teachers so if the frogs are harmed in their care it would bring bad luck.
The secretion and the frogs are often called Kambo, Acate, Sapo, Dow-kiet and Kampu. Kambo has a very complex peptide chain that contains 9 peptides that are known to work with the human body. It enters through the lymphatic system and begins to cleanse the body at a cellular level. Kambo has been found to be one of natures most powerful ways to boost the immune system and it is also a powerful antimicrobial, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. The tribes use Kambo as a medicine to optimize their hunting abilities. They say it gives the hunters an increase in speed, strength, endurance and focus. They usually receive it from the best hunter in the village. They also use it as a medicine for malaria, snake bites, parasites, infections and other illnesses. One similarity between many tribes is the use of kambo to help clear the cloud of bad luck and negativity which can cause laziness and lack of motivation which the indigenous call “Panema”.

From the first time I experienced Kambo with Tao Te Kambo, I felt the deep magic and beautiful Spirit of this sacred medicine. After Kambo, I feel grounded, energetic, clear-headed, inspired and happy. I also feel like I am able to connect more deeply to the flow state. Whether I’m surfing, playing guitar, teaching yoga, or teaching children, I am able to completely tune into the present moment and feel at One with all things. I have been fortunate enough to receive Kambo 9 times with Scott and Alex over the past year and have watched them conduct even more ceremonies on my property in Hawaii. They have always been kind, nurturing, immensely supportive and highly concerned with the safety of everyone in their circles.
Kendyl Beschen ~ Music & Yoga Instructor
Does is hurt?
Is the process long?
Do the burns scar?
Will I be able to drive home after?
What do I do post-ceremony?
Are the frogs harmed in the process?
The Science:
Phyllomedusin: A neuropeptide which strongly affects intestines, salivary glands and bowels helping to flush deep toxins.
Phyllokinin: Produces a long-lasting reduction in blood pressure. It helps widen the blood vessels, increasing permeability of the blood-brain barrier. (Increases the rate and flow of a layer of specialized cells around the brain that protects it)
Phyllocaerulein: A natural pain killer that reduces blood pressure, modifies fulfilment, helps with sedation and thermoregulation (regulation of body temperature). Stimulates the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex conducive of heightened sensory perception and increased stamina.
Phyllolitorin: A neuropeptide that stimulates gastric acid secretion and smooth muscle contraction.
Dermorphin: A neuropeptide that produces a powerful opiate-like effects on certain Opioid receptors. It has been know to be up to 40 x more potent than morphine.
Tryptophyllins: A neuropeptide that has anti-microbial properties which have been found to inhibit the growth of yeast Candida Albicans, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli.
Deltorphin: A heptapeptide that binds to the opioid receptors. Currently being researched for its ability to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumor cells.
Dermaseptin & Adenoreguli (B2): Anti-microbial peptides that exhibit lethal effects against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, yeasts and protozoa. There is growing research on the effectiveness of these peptides killing certain cancer cells. The effects that these peptides are having on the human brain are opening treatments for depression, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
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