Qi - Lifeforce Energy
Qong - Cultivation
Qigong is the cultivation of Life-force energy, over time. Building a relationship with our breath, our mind and our body, we can cultivate more energy to live long healthy lives.
Through Qigong you can improve the ability to listen to the body and deeply feel emotions, allowing you to be fully present and confident.
The 5 Elemental Theory is the study of the 5 Seasons that correspond to specific Organs, Tones, Colors, Emotions, Foods and more. Through this study and practice you can utilize the breath and movements, to treat and heal any imbalance within the body. Qigong exercises, properly practiced, can improve physical strength/energy, help relieve pain/illness/physical problems, maintain/improve your state of physical fitness and mental well being, provide a feeling of calm/comfort/balance/rejuvenation and aid in increasing longevity and overall good health.
Benefits of Qi Gong
- Qigong may reduce or eliminate symptoms for conditions which allopathic medicine find resistant or ambiguous
- Improve physical strength and energy
- Help to relieve pain, illness, and physical problems
- Maintain and improve your state of physical fitness and mental well being
- Provide a feeling of calm, comfort, balance, and rejuvenation
- Aid in increasing longevity and overall good health